Nix tutorial ============ This tutorial presents how Nix_ can help in the making of repeatable experiments. We propose here to use Nix to define software pieces and to control the environments into which the experiment is run. Even if this is possible, we chose not to use Nix to store the experiment input and output data in this tutorial. Please note that Nix is not magic, it cannot do miracles with non-deterministic software pieces and has its limitations. Here is what Nix can provide to do experiments. - Fully defined user-space software environments. It means you can trivially reenter into the environment from which you run your experiment three years ago: No package version clash nor missing dependency. - Shareable user-space software environments. Define a pure environment on your laptop, then use it smoothly on `Grid'5000`_ clusters or continous test infrastructures. - Nix can be used in conjunction with other tools. - Full kernel control cannot be achieved with Nix alone (NixOS_ is meant for this), but combining Kameleon_ and Nix makes it possible. - Defining a Docker_ image that uses Nix packages is straightforward. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Installation Getting Started Hacking Your First Package Packaging Your First Experiment Experiment Packaging: DRY Working with Notebooks Deploying and Binary Cache Resources to Go Further .. todolist:: .. _Nix: .. _NixOS: .. _Grid'5000: .. _Kameleon: .. _Docker: